Sunday, March 15, 2009


I'm drinking coffee out of zebra. No joke. My friend Tara found these safari themed mugs at the world market and one day, the four housemates each had a different animal. This was several years ago now, but as I sip out of this awkwardly amazing coffee container, I get brought back to the glory days of our college lives. My point here is that as I sip out of the zebra, I'm staring out at the rain from my very own apartment. That is something I have never been able to say before.

Its mine. And it feels strange and decadent.

I've managed to get most things back together again after returning. There was a point I thought, for sure, I would not be able to pull it off. To get my feet under me again. And its been a grueling, spirit breaking experience. By now I'm so used to getting rejected for jobs that I can guess exactly what the email says before I read it. I did find one though, a job. And it pays the bills...barely. Its hard not to feel behind. As friends and I get back in touch, they have good jobs, careers, engagement rings, 401ks. I have a Honda with a hole in it and very little idea what I should do with my life.

I'm on my own timeline though. I have to remind myself. It feels good, the opportunity, the vastness of choice I face each morning to not feel defeated, but determined. Determined to chase down whatever awaits, and create it into something unabashedly respectable and beautiful.