Monday, November 17, 2008

Needles, Haystacks, Hotels, APEC

Morale has hit a troubling new low.

Not only have we been introduced to our first experiences of severe gastric distress, it seems that we are set to be hotel hopping for the next week, as some one took the deposit and first month's rent for the apartment and split the city.

It ordinarily wouldn't be too much of a problem, but for the 21 country summit meetings, APEC, set to commence in the city in a few days. Accomodations are at a premium which could make our situation very difficult over the next few days.

It seems as though, once again, Cesar has managed to get us into a hotel for a few nights, a feat in itself considering. We will have a place to go, but with spirits just a little bit crushed as we face yet another harsh reality.

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